a transcendent journey through time and space

Welcome to the captivating world of IOH – a universe that seduces the senses and unleashes the imagination. Dive into a dizzying labyrinth of sound and silence, where every note holds a hidden secret and every melody promises a journey into the depths of the human soul.

Our music is more than just a collection of sounds – it is an experience that transcends the boundaries of understanding and takes listeners on a transcendent journey through time and space. In the melodic currents of IOH, tradition and innovation merge into a hypnotic dance that captures the essence of the human experience and reflects it in a kaleidoscope of emotions.

We are the storytellers of sound, the guardians of the unexplained, and the architects of musical ecstasy. With every note we play, we open doors to new dimensions of existence and invite you to join us on a journey that lies beyond all imagination.

Bachelorprojekt Jazz ZHdK 2024 von Nicolas Adam (db, FX)
Mit: Christian Del Conte (p, synt, tr), Vinzenz Wipfli (sax, dr)
