What Went Wrong

What does Siri really feel?

What if Sophie the A.I. robot could also have emotions?

Does technology really matters?

If you replace a DIY System Arduino to your Kitchen in order to boil your eggs would that be more efficient than using Gas?

How do we empathise failure?

Is Music the Answer?

The story behind this project is the result of thoughts being lost in a flow of Informations and data loss. At the Beginning they were Kamikaze and then they turn into a weird hybrid called Marquis Malanga. This guy died a year ago. Let’s bring him back into a new era under a new name.

What Went Wrong is a project that could maybe answer to one of those Question and will eventually save our souls from the hell of sonic boredom.

Or not.

The music is inspired from many years of experimentations of collage, foley recordings, soundscapes, scoring and improvisation.

Gazing at the infinite youtube trash universe, they ended up by squeezing that tube to extract the quintessence of humanity from it.

The result of this Project is a forty minutes long video-collage enhancing love, trash, glitch, psychedelism and saturation, featuring

images from 1920 to 2020.

Masterprojekt Pop ZHdK von Alexandre J.Maurer (drums, tape machine and electronics)
mit: Fabio Pinto (guitar and electronics)

  • Start: Sa 25.Mai.19 18:30
  • Genre:
  • Preis: Eintritt frei