Tonis Mittwoch

Rabattern zu Beats

Tonis Mittwoch ist der neue Super-Bar-Abend im Mehrspur. Wir offerieren allen Studierenden 30% Rabatt auf alle Getränke, von 15:00 bis Dienstschluss. Cash only.

Musikalisch präsentieren wir jeden Mittwoch ein neues Gesicht hinter den Turntables. This Wednesday, Maxine Yolanda will play soul, funk and more (but still related) electronic tunes.

Maxine Yolanda, born and raised in Waadt, has spent her life listening to music.

After collecting records for a while and looking for gigs, people started to book her to play more oriented funk music. Watching people dance or chill to records that she so much enjoys, made her dig for more sounds and search for mixing possibilities.