Melissa Kassab

Mood Night

Melissa Kassab appeared on the European music scene with her delicate and haunted folk. Originally from the mountains of Valais, she grew up between Geneva and Tripoli to Swiss and Lebanese Parents. She writes her songs while on the road, either hitchhiking or living in her car in Switzerland, New Zealand or the States. Her debut album « Dog » was spontaneously recorded over the course of two days in the basement of a rocket factory in Geneva. After another year touring and traveling here and there, Melissa returned to Switzerland to compile her forthcoming record set to release on March 17th 2017. Not knowing or planning wheres, whens and hows is the way she goes and seems to want to keep going for now.

Melissa Kassab (voc, b), Luc Grandemange (g), Robin Girod (b),  tba (dr)